what happened to applejacks parents in my little pony

The Apple family.
The Apple family, sometimes called the Apple association,[note one] are Applejack's relatives in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. They are a big family of Earth pony farmers, who ain apple tree farms all over Equestria. The Apple tree family are the original founders of Ponyville.
- i Applejack's immediate family
- 1.1 Parents
- ii Extended family
- two.1 The founding of Ponyville
- two.2 Apple tree family reunion
- iii Sweet Apple Acres
- 4 Other depictions
- 4.one The Elements of Harmony guidebook
- 4.1.1 Volume Ii guidebook
- 4.one The Elements of Harmony guidebook
- 5 Gallery
- 6 See too
- 7 Notes
- 8 References
Applejack's firsthand family

Applejack with Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, and Big McIntosh.
Though the extended family is quite large, only four Apple family unit members regularly appear in Ponyville: Applejack, Apple Blossom, Big McIntosh, and Granny Smith. Each of the Apple siblings' coat color corresponds to another sibling'south mane colour: Applejack's mane corresponds to Apple tree Bloom'south coat, Apple Bloom's mane to Big McIntosh'southward glaze, and Big McIntosh's mane to Applejack's glaze.
The whereabouts of Applejack'due south parents is touched on in the episode Apple tree Family unit Reunion. At the terminate of the episode, the shot fades to a view of Sweet Apple tree Acres as two shooting stars fly through the sky. The shooting stars are meant to represent Applejack'south parents according to storyboard artist Sabrina Alberghetti.[1] In Applejack and the Honest-to-Goodness Switcheroo, Applejack's mother is mentioned. In Crusaders of the Lost Marker, Applejack makes explicit mention of her "mom and dad", saying they'd be proud of Apple tree Bloom for getting her cutie mark if they "were here."

Pear Butter and Bright Mac.
Applejack'due south parents Bright Mac and Pear Butter appear in flashback in the flavour vii episode The Perfect Pear, in which they are revealed to have had a Romeo and Juliet-like romance because of a feud between the Apple family and Pear family unit. As a upshot of their parents' spousal relationship, Applejack and her siblings are half-Apple and half-Pear.
Lauren Faust had previously mentioned that the whereabouts of Applejack's parents has not been planned, and that the show was unlikely to mention that they've passed away.[2] Faust stated that she had wanted Applejack'southward parents to exist deceased, and was holding back from defining information technology in the hopes that some of the bear witness's restrictions were relaxed further down the line.[3] At the 2016 Middle Equestrian Convention in Poland, My Little Pony character designer Kora Kosicka stated in response to a fan question that Applejack'due south parents are dead.[iv]
Extended family

Some members of Applejack's extended family.
Applejack'due south extended family is introduced as "The Apple tree family" in the episode Friendship is Magic, function 1, when Applejack invites Twilight Sparkle and Fasten to brunch. Applejack sounds off the following ponies: Apple Fritter, Apple Bumpkin, Red Gala, Red Delicious, Golden Succulent, Caramel Apple tree, Apple tree Strudel, Apple Tart, Baked Apples, Apple tree Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp, Big McIntosh, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith. Apple Cider, Apple tree Cobbler, Apple Honey, Apple Munchies, Gala Appleby, Jonagold, Lavender Fritter, Peachy Sweet, Perfect Pie, and other ponies are also amongst those present, simply are non referred to by proper noun. Apple tree Strudel start appears in Family Appreciation 24-hour interval, wearing a Tyrolean hat and traditional apparel.
Applejack later explains to Twilight in Applebuck Season that her relatives had all gathered for the Apple family unit reunion, and had been working at their own farms at the time, and were unable to lend a hoof to Applejack. Nevertheless, several of them, including Apple Bumpkin, Apple Cobbler, Apple Fritter, Apple Honey, Apple Munchies, Gala Appleby, Peachy Sweetness, Perfect Pie, and Carmine Gala, help prepare Applejack's surprise political party in The Terminal Roundup, and Caramel Apple appears in the aforementioned episode. Applejack's aunt Apple Brown Betty is mentioned in The Ticket Master, but does not announced until Apple Family Reunion. Another relative, Applejack's cousin Braeburn, is introduced in Over a Barrel. He lives in the frontier town of Appleloosa, forth with many more apple farmers.
The Cutie Mark Chronicles establishes that Applejack is related to the Oranges, who Applejack calls Aunt and Uncle Orange; toys refer to the latter as Mosely Orangish. Apple Bloom's cousin Babs Seed is introduced in One Bad Apple tree, mentioning that she has a "big sister". Babs Seed never told her "large sis" just in the stop of One Bad Apple Applejack makes her promise that she'll tell her "big sis" when she gets bullied for not having a cutie mark. Groovy uncle Honeycrisp is mentioned by Applejack in the My Piddling Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #3 story The Return of Queen Chrysalis ~or~ Love is a Many Splintered Matter ―Function III―. Corking uncle Needle is mentioned by Big McIntosh in the Upshot #10 story Zen and the Art of Gazebo Repair - Part Deux "If Yous But Have a Hammer, You See Every Trouble as a Blast". Great granduncle Chili Pepper is mentioned throughout the Issue #25 and Event #26 story arc The Adept, the Bad and the Ponies.
Granny Smith refers to her parents and siblings as "the Smith family" in Family unit Appreciation Solar day.
In Pinkie Apple Pie, information technology is suggested that Pinkie Pie is a possible cousin to the Apple tree family, but all evidence given leaves this unclear. The same episode also introduces cousin Goldie Delicious, who mentions Applejack's great-neat-bully-groovy uncle Apple tree Tart.
In Somepony to Sentry Over Me, Granny Smith goes to visit great aunt Pine Apple.
Granny Smith's father, looking injured but otherwise the same as when his now-elderly girl was young (every bit shown in Family Appreciation Day, Apple Family unit Reunion, and Bats!), appears in modern day in Leap of Organized religion and a flashback in Where the Apple Lies.
The Perfect Pear introduces Applejack and her siblings' maternal grandfather Thou Pear of the Pear family unit. Afterwards becoming estranged from his daughter Pear Butter and moving to Vanhoover, he returns to Ponyville to reconnect with his grandchildren.
In Shadow Play - Part 2, Applejack mentioned that the branch of Apple family, which is Applejack's ancestors lived in the Hollow Shades.
In The Big Mac Question, Carbohydrate Belle becomes a part of the Apple family unit when she marries Large Mac. They later have a son in the future in The Last Problem.
The founding of Ponyville
Granny Smith recounts how the Smith family came to found Ponyville in the episode Family Appreciation Day. Every bit nomadic "pilgrim pony folk", they traveled Equestria collecting and selling seeds and looking for a suitable place to settle down. Princess Celestia gave them the land almost the Everfree Forest and while searching the wood for nutrient, Granny Smith discovered the zap apples. Ponies came from all around to purchase the family'south Zap Apple Jam, and Ponyville began to grow effectually Sweet Apple Acres.
Apple family reunion

The Apple family dancing at the reunion.
According to Granny Smith, the Apple family gathers for a reunion at Sugariness Apple Acres once every 100 moons, as shown in Apple tree Family Reunion. In that location are races, apple tree snacks, a hay ride around the subcontract, and a family unit photo is taken. More names and ponies appear at the reunion; named are Granny Smith's Auntie Absurdity and cousin Apple tree Rose, every bit well as three others, Apple tree Dumpling, Apple Leaves, and Half Baked Apple, along with the already-established names Apple Tart and Golden Delicious. Too seen at the reunion is Hayseed Turnip Truck, who is part of the family photo and too photographed helping rebuild the befouled with Big McIntosh. Absent from the reunion but nowadays in a past family photo is "Apple Bud". Nowadays at the reunion in at least one shot simply absent from the family photograph are "Apple Bottom", "Apple Breadstuff", "Apple tree Slice", Cherry Berry, Cloud Chaser, "Cinnamon Sugar", "Dosie Dough", Emerald Green, Fiddly Twang, "Flounder", Full Steam, "Gingerbread", Golden Harvest, Mr. Greenhooves, Helia, "John Bull", "Kazooie", Lucky Clover, Meadow Vocal, Orange Swirl, "Pitch Perfect", "Pomegranate", "Princess Erroria", Shoeshine and Sweetie Drops; "Apple Bread" is photographed at a picnic table with Apple tree Bloom, Big McIntosh and Applejack, Orangish Swirl appears without her wings or cutie mark, Emerald Green appears with wings, "Princess Erroria" mostly appears without her wings, and Fiddly Twang, "Kazooie" and "Pitch Perfect" wear parts of the aforementioned costumes equally in Luna Eclipsed.
Sugariness Apple tree Acres
- Main article: Sweetness Apple Acres
Sweet Apple Acres is the family subcontract/orchard located virtually Ponyville, dwelling to Applejack, Big McIntosh, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith. Sweet Apple Acres has a large apple orchard, as seen in Applebuck Season. Bated from apples, corn and carrots are likewise grown and harvested. In Spike at Your Service, Fasten counts exactly 24,567,837 blades of grass throughout Sugariness Apple Acres.
Other depictions
The Elements of Harmony guidebook
The extended APPLE Family TREE also includes Aunt and Uncle Orange, Apple Bumpkin, Apple Cider, Apple tree Cobbler, Apple Fritter, Apple tree Pie, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Buttercream, Caramel Apple, Golden Succulent, and many others!
In Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell, Buttercream is mentioned as one of Princess Cadance's old friends.
Volume II guidebook
If it wasn't for THE Apple Family, Ponyville wouldn't exist! They're the ponies who founded it way dorsum in the day. The Apples wandered effectually Equestria, snatching upward seeds wherever they could observe them. They were hoping to settle down someplace dainty merely hadn't found a place to do it. As a kindness, Princess Celestia gave the Apples a patch of land nearly the Everfree Forest, where Granny Smith constitute the very first zap apple. She started making her famous zap apple jam, and shortly enough, ponies from all over were stopping by to scoop up some. Sweet Apple Acres was born and has been the heart of Ponyville ever since.
- Apple family unit image gallery
Encounter as well
- This article's speculation page.
- ↑ In Brotherhooves Social, past "Orchard Bloom"; in the storybook Friendship is Magic, by Applejack; and in the Gameloft mobile game's descriptions of Granny Smith and Half Baked Apple.
- ↑ Tweet about AJ's parents (2012-12-22). Retrieved on 2012 December 22.
- ↑ Lauren Faust deviantArt journal entry "FAQ" (2011-12-27). Retrieved on 2012 December 22.
- ↑ Lauren Faust Ponychan Q&A Compiled (2013-06-08). Retrieved on 2013 June nine.
- ↑ Kora Kosicka o przemyśle animacji | Middle Equestrian Convention 2016 (Polish). YouTube (2016-09-xiii). Retrieved on 2016 September 13.
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Source: https://mlp.fandom.com/wiki/Apple_family
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